Student Behavior Expectations
At Lakeside School, we aim to create a positive, predictable, equitable and safe learning environment. We focus on the reinforcement of positive behaviors as opposed to focusing on what they aren't doing and punishing inappropriate behaviors.
We do this by emphasizing the 3 B's--Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible. By emphasizing the 3 B's, both students and staff have a consistent set of expectations that we encourage both in and outside of the classroom.
The 3 B's
Be Safe
Keep hands and feet to self.
Tell an adult if there is a problem.
Be Respectful
Treat others how you want to be treated.
Include others
Listen to adults
Be Responsible
Do my own work
Personal best
Follow directions
Clean up messes
Handbook for Student Success
Lakeside School is dedicated to helping students become healthy, self-reliant, resilient citizens. Keeping the agreements and living up to the expectations will make everyone’s experience at Lakeside positive. These expectations are to be discussed between parent and child. Click below to review the Handbook for Student Success.