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Performance & Accountability

Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. The state of California requires school districts to publish the LCAP annually. The LCAP provides the district an opportunity to share important information about programs and services.


Lakeside's LCAP Goals are as follows:

Goal 1

Ensure the District provides all necessary basic services and conditions of learning to every student, remains financially solvent while maintaining, upgrading, and providing appropriate facilities to best support teaching and learning into the next decade through alignment of resources to support priorities, maintaining a balanced budget, being fiscally responsible, and transparent.

Goal 2

Create a school climate built upon equity, inclusion, and respect for individual diversity, modeled by both staff and students, where each student feels included within the school community, and every student and staff member have the supports and resources to be socially, emotionally, and physically safe.

Goal 3

Engage all students in their learning and provide necessary supports and resources to ensure every student is socially, emotionally, and academically successful and challenged.

School Accountability Report Card (SARC)

School Accountability Report Cards are required by state law and are a summary report to the community.  The reports include information on curriculum, class sizes, demographics, academics, school climate, staffing, fiscal data, and more. SARCs are posted annually for the previous academic school year.


For additional explanatory material, visit the California Department of Education SARC information page.


View Lakeside's 2021-2022 SARC here.

California School Dashboard

The California School Dashboard (Dashboard) is an online tool that shows how local educational agencies and schools are performing on state and local indicators that are included in California's school accountability system. The Dashboard was created to give parents and the public a complete picture of what is happening in our schools and districts and to identify districts and schools that need extra support. 


View Lakeside's 2023 Dashboard here.

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