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Academic Program

English Language Arts

Lakeside uses Benchmark Advance for its Language Arts program. This curriculum also supports the learning of our English Language Learners. Additionally, Lakeside uses Fundations to support students' phonics and phonemic learning. For Writing, teachers utilize the Writer's Workshop process developed by Lucy Calkins. 


Lakeside's Math curriculum is provided by Savvas Learning Company. We also utilize ALEKS, which is an online program for accelerated skill gap development as well as extension support for advanced learners. 

Social Studies

Learning in this area is supported by both Social Studies curriculum called Studies Weekly as well as Scholastic News for understanding current events.


At Lakeside, students are scientists and DO science.  Lakeside students learn to think like scientists as they observe the world, design and conduct experiments, collect data, and share their conclusions.  Through hands-on lessons, students explore the life, physical and earth sciences, as well as engineering, in alignment with the Next Generation Science Standards.  Whether using our mountain campus to study habitats, or working in teams to design and test structures on an earthquake shake table, science at Lakeside is something we DO.


The visual arts provide an opportunity for personal creative expression, both individually and in collaboration with others.  Lakeside students learn the principles of art and design and have the opportunity to try a wide variety of artistic mediums - from pencil drawing to ceramics, from oil pastels to mural painting.  In accordance with the California Arts Standards for Public Schools, students learn how to express themselves through art, and how to understand and appreciate work created by other artists from a wide variety of cultures.  We often combine art and science, such as exploring light refraction and painting rainbows, or examining bones, and figure drawing.  Other times, art lessons teach history or support school cultural celebrations.  Finally, the San Jose Museum of Art Docents visits Lakeside yearly to offer art history lessons.  The Arts and Music in Schools Funding Annual Report for Lakeside can be found here.

Physical Education

Every student participates in two, 50-minute classes of P.E. All programming is based on the California State Standards for Physical Education for grades TK through 5th grade. 

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